,Toyota single cab,Hilux exporter,Toyota importer.Hilux Kenya

It is my great pleasure and honor to introducing you the J-P Trading Co. Ltd. , As your premier and reliable source of used vehicles from japan. Our company established in 1990 and since then we are one of the leading and pioneer automobile exporting and trading company in Japan and some other country. J-P Trading Co, LTD., is one of leading source of different brands of used vehicle distributors and wholesaler around the world. Our more than 24 years of working experience in automobile sector, making J-P Trading Co. Ltd., as expertise from Japan. We have heavy machinery and auto parts exporter from Japan. We have established a strong network and working relationship with auto auctioneers, freight & shipping agencies and other related helping sources & companies to provide maximum service, and effective support to fulfill the requirement of our valued clients.


Our Japanese and foreign staff including auto experts combines together a vast experience of doing business in automobile market. We always offer variety of quality used cars of famous maker and model to export from Japan. For any destination around the world, all vehicles are available for immediate export and delivery.

J-P Trading Co. Ltd., is highly capable to offer our client the fastest ever access to do business or buying required vehicle through the internet. Our Experienced business staff is always ready for immediate response and fulfills your trading demands. Over the internet you can see the complete details and condition of our huge stocks and selling capacity, we are able to offer lowest pricing, fixed commissions for each unit and discount to wholesale clients. Our company’s annual turnover is playing a vital role for the development of society as we are providing revenues to the government of japan. Come with us to lead the world of Automobile.

Now our company export vehicle all over the world like RUSSIA, DUBAI, ENGLAND,CHILE, PAKISTAN, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA, UGANDA, NAMIBIA, KENYA, MOZANBIQUE, KYRGYZSTAN, DOMINACAN REPUBLIC, PERU, BOLIVIA, PARAGUAY. And we intend to develop our business more in future.

Not only check from the internet, you can also come our store to check the vehicle anytime while we open.

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